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Our Vision


We aim to enable and encourage all those connected with Pendock school to be the best that they can be. By living out our Pride in Pendock values, we strive to inspire children, parents, staff and our wider community to fulfil their potential and enjoy life in all its fullness.

Our vision is centred on being an inclusive, kind and compassionate community, which is summed up by the word ‘PRIDE’. We want everyone connected to the Pendock community to aspire to have pride in themselves, have pride in one another, have pride in our school and have pride in the community. Each letter of the word PRIDE stands for one of our core values:

  • Positive Attitude (we find good in all people and situations);
  • Respect (we treat everyone with kind words and actions);
  • Individuality (we believe in ourselves and celebrate differences);
  • Determination (we welcome challenges and always try our hardest);
  • Excellence (we strive to be the best that we can).

Our vision is inspired by St Paul’s description of the body of Christ in his letter to the Corinthians, in particular chapter 12 verses 12 to 27 where he describes each part of the body as being vital to the smooth working of the whole.  At Pendock our vision is to enable and encourage EVERYONE to be the best that they can be and to play their part in the smooth running of the school, to respect each other, support each other, appreciate each other’s qualities.  As St Paul puts it in verse 26 “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it, if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it.”  We believe that every member of the community deserves the chance to realise their full potential, to be appreciated for what they can contribute and it is this positive attitude and determination to respect every individual that enables us to strive for and achieve all round excellence, or life in all its fullness.

Each of our PRIDE values has a link to the bible which we use to reflect on how Jesus taught us/showed us a way of showing that value and how we can relate our actions to his guidance.